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Create Jelastic File or Database Backup

How to set up SimpleBackups and Jelastic

Islam Essam avatar
Written by Islam Essam
Updated over a week ago

Jelastic is a "Multi-Cloud PaaS with Full Interoperability" - you can use SimpleBackups to back up your files, and databases on Jelastic cloud.

You already know that, typically, Jelastic does not expose server nodes (instances) to the public. In order to SSH into a node, you pass through an SSH gateway first, which then allows you to access a particular node.

In the example below, we will be exploring how to connect SimpleBackups to a MySQL node, in order to create hourly database backups.

Here is a step by step on how to do it:

Step 1:

Login to your Jelastic admin and add SimpleBackups public key


Step 2:

Next to the node you want to back up, copy over the direct SSH access details as shown below (you will need the host, username, and port):


Step 3:

Go to and copy the quick install command and add the following to the end of it -s interact (if it is not added)

(this will have the install command ask you to enter your server details which we collected in Step 2 above.

When asked about a an ops/operations directory, you need to use a directory where you have read and write access to. Maybe /home/jelastic is an option, depending on your own case.


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